Taking a company stance on divisive political or social issues is a complex and often time-sensitive challenge. Whether it involves geopolitical developments such as the war in Ukraine or societal issues such as voting rights legislation, controversial judicial decisions or racial tensions, there is a seemingly endless list of scenarios in which a company may consider taking a position publicly. As boards and management navigate this terrain, pressure from different and sometimes cross-cutting constituencies elevates the stakes. Regardless of the path a company chooses, there should be a thoughtful and deliberate approach that ensures the board and management have a level of trust in the governance process.
Click the download button to read about five governance considerations for assessing whether a company should respond, either in action or in words, to a sensitive issue or development.
Authored by Alex Bahn (formerly Hogan Lovells), Tiffany Posil, and Catalina Santos Parkinson.
Sanctions Navigator: Russia Sanctions
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