Highlights with Hogan Lovells: Bid Protest Digest | Volume I

This month’s bid protest highlights include decisions from the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (COFC), and the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (CAFC). These decisions emphasize important legal principles governing (1) timeliness, (2) interested party status, (3) agency discretion in technical evaluations, and (4) the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994 (FASA) barring COFC jurisdiction over task orders, among others.

We are pleased to introduce "Highlights with Hogan Lovells", our monthly Bid Protest Digest. Our team has curated the past two month's bid protest highlights, including decisions from the Government Accountability Office, Court of Federal Claims, and Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, to keep our clients informed of recent developments and how they may impact their bid protest strategies in the future. This newsletter is designed to be a valuable resource for our clients, providing timely updates on recent decisions and keeping them up-to-date on changes in the bid protest landscape. With a delivery schedule on the first of each month, clients can expect to receive regular updates on the latest bid protest decisions directly in their inboxes.
Download this month’s digest below:


Michael Mason
Washington, D.C.
Stacy Hadeka
Washington, D.C.
Taylor Hillman
Senior Associate
Washington, D.C.
Lauren Olmsted
Washington, D.C.


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