Highlights with Hogan Lovells: Bid Protest Digest | Volume IV

This issue of bid protest highlights includes decisions from the U.S. Court of Federal Claims (COFC) and the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). These decisions emphasize important legal principles addressing: (1) organizational conflict of interest investigations; (2) Buy American Act waivers; (3) a procuring agency’s obligation to adequately document price realism evaluations; (4) timeliness of bid protests; (5) a procuring agency’s duty to evaluate proposals evenhandedly and in accordance with solicitation terms; (6) the scope of corrective action; and (7) exclusion based on unfair competitive advantage gained via use of a former government employee in connection with proposal activity.

This newsletter is designed to be a valuable resource for our clients, providing updates on recent decisions and keeping them up-to-date on changes in the bid protest landscape. Clients can expect to receive regular updates on the latest bid protest decisions directly in their inboxes.

Download our Volume IV digest below:



Authored by Michael Mason, Stacy Hadeka, Christine Reynolds, Taylor Hillman, Thomas Hunt, and Lauren Olmsted.

Michael Mason
Washington, D.C.
Stacy Hadeka
Washington, D.C.
Christine Reynolds
Washington, D.C.
Taylor Hillman
Senior Associate
Washington, D.C.
Tom Hunt
Senior Associate
Northern Virginia
Lauren Olmsted
Washington, D.C.


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