Welcome to Hogan Lovells’ The Data Chronicles, brought to you by the firm’s global Privacy and Cybersecurity practice. This multimedia series is dedicated to the ever-changing legal and regulatory developments in the world of data, privacy, and cybersecurity.
The explosive growth of direct-to-consumer health and wellness technologies that increase the amount of health data collected from consumers has triggered further action by state legislators and federal regulators. Scott Loughlin, co-lead of the Privacy and Cybersecurity practice, is joined by Hogan Lovells senior associate Alyssa Golay and associate Fleur Oké to discuss the proposed changes to the FTC’s Health Breach Notification Rule (HBNR), recent enforcement actions, regulator guidance, and what these actions mean for health and wellness technologies and their use of consumer data.
The Data Chronicles Podcast and Video Series
Proposed FTC breach notice rule changes target direct-to-consumer health and wellness technologies
The online health data ecosystem takes another regulatory hit
FTC emphasizes expectations around the health breach notification rule
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